Women are choosing to become pregnant later and later in life. Since the 1970s, the average age of a first birth has increased from 24.6 to 28. Some people decide to postpone having their first child until well into their 30s. In fact, women in their 30s are now giving birth at higher rates than ever before. One of the most common inquiries about IVF relates to age for infertility-stricken couples who are thinking about alternative reproductive techniques. It’s critical to comprehend how male and female ages can impact IVF outcomes.

How Male And Female Ages Can Impact IVF

The period of a woman’s life when she is most fertile is her 20s. According to studies, women in their 20s and 30s had the greatest success using IVF and other reproductive technologies to conceive. The average percentages of assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles that result in a live delivery are as follows, citing the CDC:

  • 31% in women younger than 35 years of age
  • 24% in women aged 35 to 37
  • 16% in women aged 38 to 40
  • 8% in women aged 41 to 44
  • 3% in women age 43 and older

Age has a variety of effects on fertility in general and the efficacy of IVF. The eggs a woman produces as she gets older are less numerous and less nutritious. Uterine fibroids and endometriosis are two health problems that can affect fertility and are more common in older women.

Additionally, genetic problems like Down syndrome and the likelihood of miscarriage following a successful IVF surgery rise with age.

How Male And Female Ages Can Impact IVF

We don’t yet fully understand how paternal age affects IVF. IVF success rates may drop once a male turns 51, according to a few research. Even though there aren’t many studies that demonstrate how a man’s age affects IVF specifically, research suggests that age may have an impact on both the overall pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. Some studies reveal a slight increase in the chances due to random genetic mutations in older males’ sperm compared to younger males. See below:

  • Pregnancy loss before 20 weeks (known as miscarriage) as well as stillbirth
  • Birth defects such as those that affect the heart and the formation of the skull
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood

See How Advanced ART Methods Can Improve Success Rates

IVF specialists who use advanced ART techniques can increase implantation rates to levels that are equivalent to those of younger women, improving the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

For instance, embryo biopsies can be examined by preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) to see if chromosomal defects are present before implantation. By selecting the healthiest embryos for implantation, these techniques increase success rates.

Despite the fact that success rates drop after age 35, sophisticated ART alternatives including thorough chromosomal screening and preimplantation genetic screening carried out by IVF experts can help raise the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

We hope you found this piece very informative. You can book a consultation with us today for more. We will be glad to help as we are here to partner with you on your journey to parenthood. 

Omega Golden Fertility is a specialized, premium, and assisted conception center in Nigeria. At Omega, the best of science, technology, and the highest ethical practices are combined to deliver real value to our numerous clients. We consider ourselves as the last frontier in the assisted reproduction industry. With state of art facilities, highly trained specialists, and a culture of excellence, omega is poised to bring her clients a lasting smile. Wouldn’t you rather talk to us? Help is just a click away.

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